Thursday, December 25, 2014

Hunger Hurts But Starving Works

Hey guys,
Merry Christmas!!!! I know it's been a while since I've been on this and when I left, I was about to embark on a 2days liquid fast, that would have been a success till I stumbled upon the military diet. Well its baisically this diet where you eat a structured meal of 1500 calories for 3 days and lose 10 pounds, but I couldn't go past day 1, I mean 1500 cals a day is like my meal in a week. I mean 2 tbspn of pb is 190 cals and I couldn't do it and I binged like there was no freaking tomorrow, then Christmas came and I didn't eat till lunch time where my mum made me have a salad, then family and friends started arriving and my mum was watching me closely expecting me to eat everything my mates ate and let me tell you, people my age eat loads of shit. After everyone left, my mum asked me to share a bowl of ice cream and I tried to get out of it but she played the guilt card on me and I had no choice but to join her.
Later on, I was feeling irritated and disgusted with myself and I was talking with a fellow ed friend about it and she told me to purge and I'm like I can't and then she told me what to do and I did it and it worked and I love it. Getting rid of all the ice cream ( which by the way is delicious and cold when it comes back up) crackers, cheese sandwiches and as much junk as I could before my mum started looking for me, and let me tell you, it felt so good to get rid of those toxins in my body.
So pretty much, I'm traveling tomorrow, more like a road trip, to my hometown tomorrow, which is technically today, and I don't know if I'll be able to post again till I return before new years and I return to school first week of January, so let's see how it works all works out. So I'll see you guys soon. Btw, when I measured my self Monday morning, I had lost some inches at my problem area and unfortunately my scale broke and I won't be able to replace it for a while but I'm pretty sure those numbers came down, but after today,  I'm sure those numbers went up, but I hope the. Purging helped.
Anyways, I will not post my death list for the day because I can't remember most of the things I had and I'm sure it would make me faint recalling the food I've demolished.
Till next time my lovelies, till then starve and purge on!!!

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