Sunday, December 21, 2014

Quod me nutrirt me destruit

If  you're wondering about the title, it means 'what nutrifies me destroys me'. I decided to start all my blogs with a thinspo quote.
Its quite late here and I decided to quickly drop by and let you know how my liquid fast went. It was great actually. It felt good to be empty and in control all  day long and I even went for a party!
Well, I started my day with the cardio/dance exercise for an hour which is burning over a thousand calories along with the crunches and situps I did. After this,  i  had a cup of green tea (0 calories) to boost my metabolism and keep me filled for the rest of the day. Then I went to the mall with my brother's girlfriend to run some errands for my mum which was a huge mistake because she wanted us to take her phone to the phone store since it  had issues ( my mum has letting go issues) so baisically, we got to the store and they needed her, we told her and she told us she was on her way, we waited for 2 hours before she came because she ran into her friends. like who does that. when we were done we went home after being dragged round the mall. on the plus side, im sure I burnt a helluva lot of calories.
When  i got home, had another bottle of water while looking for what to wear for the party as I'm not in the best  of shapes. I headed for the party with my friend and when I got there,  i saw a guy friend hadnt seen in a while and guess what he told me....... "You've been eating i well see"  which is him politely telling me  im fat.  i felt like killing myself, like crawling into a cave and hiding forever and it was obvious everyone else that I hadn't seen in a while thought the same cos they all gave this 'wow youre fat' look and at that moment, I was determined to loose the weight and shock them all.
I had this drink called a ribena(108 calories) to loosen up and calm down and as the party progressed, I actually had fun and met new people and some guys actually asked for my number and if we could hang sometime.
I got home feeling pumped up, but it was like midnight and I have church tomorrow so I just had a glass of semi-skimmed milk(45 calories) to help me sleep and it seems to be kicking in, so here's my death list for today:
  • 2 or 3 bottles of water - 0 cals
  • Green tea - 0 cals 
  • Ribena - 108 cals
  •  Milk - 45 cals
Which is a total of 113 cals
Net cal is - 887
I'll post tomorrow and let you know how my eating day goes.
Later lovelies and starve on.

I'm sorry this just posted now, I posted it last night but it seems it didn't go. I'll have another post up in the evening to let y'all know how my day went xxx

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