Sunday, December 21, 2014

push till your thighs dont touch

Today started off extremely well. I didn't eat till around 3pm and I only ate because my mum was getting suspicious, so I had a few mouth full of chicken salad without dressings. I didn't use the dressing because I discovered without it, the salad is a bit better because of the lettuce and cabbage and makes you not want to eat, so it helped out. That's about 50 cals. After this I had 2 laxative tablets just incase I binged and to clear out the salad and behold, my mother wasn't satisfied with what I ate and made me have some home made yam porridge with chicken( 600 cals). I was revolted by the idea of finishing it and only had a 2 pieces of yam and left the rest but Nooooooo, my mum forced me to shove every bit if porridge and chicken down my throat and I didn't exercise today and was counting on the laxative since I can't exactly force myself to throw up, so I purge the other way if you get what I mean ;)
I felt my tummy rumbling and went to the toilet expecting to you know what, but what do I get instead? My frigging period and I was ultimately pissed, after it didn't show up since September, it decides to make a bloody grand entrance. Excuse the pun. To make matters worse, the laxative hasn't kicked in and I am so looking forward to my 2 dayyyyy fast. And I may have binged on chicken (50 cals) and may have exaggerated the calories for the porridge, but it feels like frigging 600 cals
Then today, I was taking my measurement with a tailor for an outfit and he was like 'hour measurement shows your a womam' and I'm like screw your life to hell you funding retard, thanks for bringing down a girls self esteem. Now I am so motivated to not eat for the rest of my frigging life.
Death list for the day:
Green tea 0 cals
3 bottles of water 0 cals
Chicken salad  50 cals
Yam porridge and chicken, not sure but I'm sticking with 600 cals
Chicken 50
Total 650 cals
Screw my life, aren't I a frigging fat pig
See y'all tomorrow xxx

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